The Time Wasters of a New York Digital Marketing Agency

1 year ago 147

A digital marketing agency in new york agency is a great way to generate business and increase revenue. However, it can also be a time-sucking, frustrating experience if you have employees who are not taking their responsibilities seriously. In this post we will discuss some of the most common time wasters in an agency setting and how you can avoid them as much as possible:

Avoiding Time Wasters

Time wasters are those behaviors that you do not want in your life. They take up space, waste time and can make you feel stressed out. For example, if you have a job where an important client meeting is scheduled at 11:00am but then comes in at 12:30pm instead of 12:00pm, this is a time waster as it delays your workday by 15 minutes without any benefit other than an extra 30 minutes at home watching TV or eating lunch alone.

There are many examples of time wasters out there - from social media to music apps on your phone - but we want to focus on one specific type of digital marketing agency client who wastes our time with their own set of activities that needlessly distract us from our main priorities (and costs us money).

Endless Meetings and Conference Calls

  • Meetings should be brief. The average meeting lasts between 15 to 20 minutes and can easily be handled in less time than that. If you're wasting your clients' time, they'll know it and their trust will erode.

  • Meetings should be focused on the task at hand and not on any other agenda (such as "talking about what's going on in your life"). You've got enough on your plate—don't add another expectation onto the mix!

  • Meetings should be held in person as much as possible; otherwise clients feel like they're talking with someone who lives far away from them (which isn't exactly true). Also, try not to schedule conference calls unless absolutely necessary—they're expensive for both parties involved and take up valuable bandwidth on phones or computers that could otherwise be used for other things like emailing back & forth between coworkers or communicating with clients directly via text message instead of having yet another session where everyone sits around staring at each other while waiting for someone else who doesn't want anything else except more silence after asking questions like: "What did we talk about last week?"

Excessive Email Correspondence

Email is a great way to communicate with your team, clients, vendors and suppliers. It's also an effective tool for communicating with partners as well.

But there are many occasions when you'll want to tailor the tone of your emails based on who they're going out to. For example: If you're sending a customer survey about their experience with one of our services or products (which we do), then it would make sense not only for us but also for our client that we use a more formal tone when addressing them than if we were sending it directly from one member of our team (or even two members).

Inefficient Project Management Tools

You're a busy digital marketing agency, and you're looking for ways to cut down on wasted time. While there are plenty of other tasks that need your attention, you can't afford to let any of them get in the way of what matters most: taking care of clients.

To help your team stay organized and efficient while they’re working on projects together (and not just wasting their own time), we recommend using project management tools like Trello or Asana. These tools help teams manage their work over time by making sure everyone knows what's happening at any given moment—and when something needs attention from someone else in the organization (like an account manager), it makes sure that person gets notified about what needs his/her attention immediately so he/she doesn't have to waste any more time than necessary waiting around trying find out why something isn't working properly until someone finally tells him/her exactly what's going wrong

Distracting Office Environments

In a world where the pace of digital disruption is unrelenting, it's important to take care of yourself so that you can focus on your work.

In addition to being a good business decision and a way to attract talented workers, an office environment that encourages people to be productive will also keep them healthy and happy. Distraction-free environments are essential for mental health because they allow us to concentrate better without worrying about whether we're being watched or judged by others; physical health benefits from having plenty of space throughout the day in which we can exercise without feeling as if someone might walk into our path; and productivity increases when employees feel comfortable enough with their coworkers not only not intruding but also giving them space in which they can do their best work (e.g., by letting others take breaks).

Unnecessary Administrative Tasks

Administrative tasks, such as emailing clients and setting up appointments, are a huge time waster. When you have to take care of these things by yourself and your company has no clear division of labor, you’re losing out on valuable time that could have been spent on more productive activities.

If you want to cut down on administrative tasks at your agency, here are some ways you can do so:

  • Create clear divisions of responsibilities among team members so everyone knows what they need to be doing each day. For example, if one member handles billing while another handles marketing campaigns and promotions—and both know this—you're less likely to get confused about who should take care of what when things get busy or complicated (or both).

  • Create clear divisions of labor within each departmental function: public relations vs social media vs content creation vs copywriting versus project management vs analytics etcetera...

Disorganized File Management Systems

A disorganized file management system is one of the most common time wasters in a digital marketing company in nyc. When it comes to managing files, you need to have a system that allows your team or clients to access their data easily while still ensuring they're organized by type, project, person and date.

In addition to being disorganized by type (e-mail vs PDF), these systems are also disorganized by priority—meaning there's no way of knowing which emails should be opened first or last. This can lead to confusion and frustration as well as wasted time because people will get stuck on "urgent" items when there are more urgent ones waiting for attention first!

Multitasking and Overcommitment

Multitasking and over-commitment are time wasters. They are also bad for you.

If you’re a digital marketer, multitasking is not something that works well for you. Overcommitting on projects means that you have more work to do, which will result in less time spent with your family and friends, which means more stress and burnout.

Poorly Defined Project Objectives

You’ll need to set goals before you begin. If you don’t, there will be no way of knowing whether your digital marketing agency is meeting the objectives that were established when it started. You can identify these goals by asking yourself some questions:

  • What are my end users looking for in their online experience?

  • What do I want them to accomplish with our product or service?

  • How will we measure success?

Lack of Clear Communication and Expectations

Communication is a key factor in creating a successful digital marketing agency. It's important to communicate with your clients, team members and vendors so that everyone knows what you are doing and what is expected of them.

You need to be clear about:

  • The steps it will take for the client to achieve their goals (e.g., how long it will take)

  • Your expectations for the work (e.g., deadline dates)

In conclusion, if you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency in New York, you need to make sure that they understand the time wasters that can lead to underperformance. If your team is spending too much time on these things and not enough on creative work or client communications, it could raise questions about how effective your agency really is at what it does best.

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