Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer Robbed, Assaulted in Oakland.
The retired Democrat was shoved and had her mobile phone stolen but was not seriously injured.

Politics|Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer robbed, assaulted successful Oakland.
Barbara Boxer, 80, a erstwhile U.S. senator, announced Monday connected her authoritative Twitter relationship that she had been assaulted and robbed but was not earnestly hurt.
Boxer, a Democrat from California, served arsenic a subordinate of the U.S. House of Representatives for 10 years and a U.S. Senator for 24 years earlier stepping down successful 2017.
Earlier contiguous erstwhile Senator Barbara Boxer was assaulted successful the Jack London Square vicinity of Oakland. The assailant pushed her successful the back, stole her compartment telephone and jumped successful a waiting car. She is thankful that she was not earnestly injured."— Barbara Boxer (@BarbaraBoxer) July 26, 2021
The Oakland Police Department confirmed successful a connection that it was investigating the battle of a unfortunate who was walking connected the 300 artifact of 3rd Street successful Oakland. The constabulary section would not merchandise the sanction of the victim. Officers were inactive searching for the suspect, who fled successful a adjacent waiting vehicle.
Ms. Boxer’s authoritative Twitter relationship said the assailant pushed her successful the backmost and took her cellphone.
“She is thankful that she was not earnestly injured,” the connection said.
The Jack London Square vicinity is an amusement territory along the waterfront successful Oakland that has restaurants, a farmers’ marketplace and a summertime performance and movie series.
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