Botox relieves endometriosis cramps when injected into pelvic muscles

2 years ago 231

By Alice Klein

Jar containing Botox powder

Botulinum toxin, known arsenic Botox, tin beryllium utilized to dainty achy cramps


Botox injections tin assistance to trim achy pelvic cramps caused by endometriosis, a tiny objective proceedings shows.

Endometriosis occurs erstwhile insubstantial from the uterus spreads to different parts of the pelvis, often causing achy spasms of the pelvic level muscles. Physiotherapy and symptom medicine tin help, but galore of those with endometriosis inactive acquisition terrible cramps adjacent with these treatments.

Pamela Stratton astatine the US National Institutes of Health successful Bethesda, Maryland, and her colleagues tested whether botulinum …

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